In this radio spot, the Metal Roofing Alliance's Executive Director Renee Ramey is interviewed on the At Home With Gary Sullivan show on the facts and history of metal roofing.
Well it is time for our Project of the Week and I know one of the
big projects we have for our home is when it's time for new roof. And with a
lot of things in our home, we have options. And as I was talking about earlier, everybody's got a bucket list. I'm kind of weird. I have a bucket list from
my home one of the things on my bucket list from my home is a metal roof.
So today we have Renee Ramey. She is the Executive Director of the Metal
Roofing Alliance and Renee, welcome to At Home with Gary Sullivan!
Well thank you. I'm happy to be here.
Metal roofing has been around for a while but I would say in the last 25
years or at least 15 years it's a big, big player in roofing.
Yes, absolutely, based on our statistics have grown the market from 3% back
in the late 90s to a little over 14% as of 2016.
So still growing?
Still growing, anticipated to continue.
Well outside of
the beauty which we'll get to, why do people gravitate to metal roofs? What
is the, I guess, the advantages outside the beauty?
Like I said we'll get to the aesthetics but what does it give me as a
You know we see the greatest interest in areas where the roof
really gets a lot of torrential weather, whether that be hail, hurricanes,
wildfires. You know you just can't beat the durability and performance.
The wind uplift ratings are off the chart, it's just a really solid roofing
material for protecting your home in climates such as that. Above and
beyond that aspect, consumers really like the ease of maintenance. For
example, very simple very easy to keep clean, very again durable. So a lot of...kind of one of those roofs that we like say you put on once and for the most part you forget it's there.
That's just getting ready to say I guess when you put a metal roof on it's, your one and done right?
Yes, yeah. Most metal roofs come with at least a 50 year warranty if not longer. And those warranties are very solid so it's a lifetime roof.
With all the things you say it stands up to. And I know it does. And we see
metal roofing in all parts of the country but certainly in areas where we
have catastrophic events, you know the hurricanes and of fires and everything. Is
there an advantage in terms of insurance for a home if it has a metal roof?
Depends on where you're at.
There are certainly discounts available in certain areas and in other areas
there are not. That's really more of a regional based type thing.
I was just curious can a metal roof be put over an existing roof or does
the old roof get stripped off?
Again it kind of depends on the more of your
old roof, you know the stability of it and what not but the answer is yes.
Most often it is installable above whatever roofing material you have,
especially the asphalt. So it saves a lot of landfill, a lot of rip off
labor and expenses as well.
You know Renee, one of the things when I first started learning about metal
roofing you know again aesthetics we'll get to. But one of the things that I
really like you just talked about is you know the way it withstands the
wind rating which is you know I don't know 130, 150 whatever it is but it's
higher than pretty much anything you're going to get on a typical roof but
also a metal roof actually brings energy efficiency to your home.
Absolutely. Metal roofing almost all of it these days for residential
anyway is coated with a paint if you will a coating that is called quote
unquote or referred to as a quote unquote "cool roof". And what that means
is the paint system itself is made with pigments and various you know
ingredients if you will that make the roof perform well in both cool and
warm climates. So if you're in a cool climate and you do not want to have all your heat
going out your roof, you know there are systems that deal with that. If
you're in a warm climate and don't want to have a super high cooling load
you know cooling bill, if you will. The roofing, there's a lot of metal
roofing that will you know for lack of a better word will repel the heat and it doesn't capture the heat either.
Almost creates
a radiant barrier, right?
Yeah, yes it does.
So what part, is there parts of the country that like in my area for
instance not too long ago maybe a year or two ago I did the bourbon trail
down in Kentucky and I was amazed. It seemed like 40-50% of the homes that
I would pass had beautiful metal roofs on there on their homes. Is there
certain areas of the country that are metal roofing is almost predominant?
Yeah there are. You'll find that we call it kind of the smile effect. You
see a lot of metal roofing kind of on the West Coast. Wildfires, you know, things of that nature down through California, down
through Arizona and all the way up the East. Southeast is definitely our
biggest market. The Southeast, East South Central but all the way up into
the Northeast. So those are the biggest markets Texas. Yeah we see a lot of
it around again where the weather really, really showcases the benefits.
Yes, challenges you a bit?
Well with the aesthetics certainly metal
roofing is spreading throughout the country and can be used in any part of
the country. And Renee Ramey she is my guest today from the Metal Roofing
Alliance. Let's talk a little bit about aesthetics. You say metal roof,
people think maybe a metal roof on a barn but metal roofs come in all
different colors, shapes and sizes, maybe walk us through the architectural
properties of a metal roof.
Yeah absolutely. So a standing seam or vertical seam is what you would
normally think of if you're not super familiar with the industry and that's
like your as you kind of related what you would probably envision with the
barn and that works really well on some of your more modern architecture
but metal roofing also comes in shapes, pre-shaped, excuse me, as either
there's tile, there's shake, there's shingle, there's, you know, slate. So
basically metal roofing come aesthetically to look like any other roofing
material out there.
So if you own a Mediterranean home and you want that full Mediterranean
effect, there's a metal roofing product for you if you have a, in the
Northwest possibily, you know you got a home and it's got shake on it,
we've got a metal shake and I can honestly tell you having come from the
industry I'll walk by a house and have to stop and look at it. And in that point ask the homeowner, "is that a metal roof?"
because I really, really cannot discern which is.
Yeah, I
totally agree and like in the Kansas City area, there's an awful lot of cedar shake and every now and then you'll be able
to you'll look at one you'll see that's a really clean looking cedar shake,
that thing is really nice and then it dawns on me it's probably a metal roof, because it's so perfect!
Yeah and the paint system from the colors' perspective you know now they're
putting multiple colors on panels, right? So it can even have that depth of
color or green or whatever so yeah it can come in whatever form or fashion
you would like to see.
Ventilation, you still ventilate a metal roof just
like you would like a shingled roof or something?
Okay and it has all the rich vents and everything that kind of all coordinate together.
Right. Right. Your metal roofing, any contractor you speak with should be able to let you
know for that system, what you need from ventilation perspective.
I'm sure the metal
roofing association or Metal Roofing Alliance you have a website that has a
lot of pictures and information. Can you give me that where people can go
to learn more?
Absolutely. We just launched a new website, it's got all kinds of
information on it and that website's
Ok, does it also have a list of dealers or how do they find a dealer to
install that?
Right, absolutely. So it's kind of a list of all the manufacturer members
that we represent. But if and when you're at a point where you're ready to
actually find someone in your area that would be able to install the
product. There is a Find A Contractor form on our website, super small just
need your name, your phone number obviously so they can get a hold of you
and your zip code. And with that information it brings up a list of all the
MRA contractors in your area and we encourage you to do that. MRA
contractor members have to meet a certain criteria by way of being
sponsored by their manufacturer. Which means that they've installed the
product, they've gone through the training, they know what they're doing.
They know what they're doing, exactly. Now we've talked about metal
roofing. One question I didn't ask is what kind of metal is this?
Well, it comes in a variety of metals you can get the standard substrate if
you will are steel and aluminum but there are roofs out there that are
stainless obviously copper. So there's a lot of specialty products as well.
And we talked a lot about different types of roofing.
We talked about shakes, we talked about slate, we talked about clay, we
talked about shingles. From a cost standpoint I guess the most common roofs
in the United States are shingles? I'm guessing, I don't know that but.
Yeah, asphalt shingles.
Okay asphalt shingles and is this metal roofing two times, three times, four times more
expensive? Obviously if it's warranted for 50 years it's going to cost a
little more.
Yeah, it does tend to be more expensive but it's probably worth looking
into if you have any interest at all because depending on the aesthetic
that you're going for and the region you live in you know the cost
difference may be pretty small. There are certain types of products that are a little more expensive but
it's more affordable than you would think. And I would also refer to our
website, we've got a product comparison chart that's available on the
website that showcases just on average how does metal roofing, both you
know in the shingles and the shakes as well as the standing seam compare to
asphalt shingle, real shake, you know tile, et cetera. So it gives you a little bit more information around warranties and how you
have to clean it and what you have to do so check that out as well.
I'm about two years out from a roof. So I definitely will check it out. So,
metal roofing is going to bring me a better look it's going to bring me
better energy efficiencies. It's certainly going to be more durable. And
again that website is Renee thanks for joining us, I appreciate it.
Well thank you. I appreciate the opportunity.
In five years from now it's 14% the market, five years from now where is
metal roofing going to be?
Well we're going to be over 20% by 2020. OK. That's our next goal. So yeah
it'll probably be in the 20s maybe more.
It's trending. I better get with it.
Definitely trending.
All right Renee thanks.
All right, thank you.
All right take care. Very good. Renee Ramey the Executive Director of Metal
Roofing Alliance. Have your seen a metal roof up close or far away? Dr. Z shakes his head no.
The boy hasn't lived, it's on my bucket list. You've seen it far away?
You've seen pictures? Alright, let's take a break we'll come back and get your questions
answered. You're At Home with Gary Sullivan. Your home is just a click away at Here's At Home with Gary Sullivan.