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Please help! My condo board is making all owners with rust on a/c units on metal roof buy new units even if their's is working. Most people are elderly and panicked and bought new $3,000 units without questioning board. My a/c contractor said my a/c is on a stainless steel pan and has hurricane straps and is not damaging roof. Even when I had an attorney send a letter with that info, the condo board is suing me in 30 days if I don't get a new unit. They won't disclose their "expert" advise to back up their threat and it may just be the Pres & VP bullying us. I want the best roofing person I can find to verify that rust being blown from my a/c is or is not damaging the roof. I'm not looking for legal advise, just a top roofing person to give an honest, impartial analysis. Can you advise? Any help is so appreciated as I can't afford to litigate.
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Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to get someone on to the roof to take pictures before my 30 day time frame is up but only contractors can have access. In the event I can't get pictures to send you, do you have someone you can recommend near St. Petersburg FL that I could hire to give me an opinion as to whether or not the A/C is actually causing damage? My attorney says that an expert opinion would settle this dispute.
Carol Hirsch
Isaiah Industries, Inc.