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I bought a 50 year old home last august. It has a steep pitch to the roof. It has a metal roof attached to the rafters with no insulation between the rafters. There are two kneewalls that run down each side without much room inside. The inside walls and cieling are drywalled directly onto the rafters. In the summer it gets REALLY HOT, even now with the sun coming out it's uncomfortable. I cut a hole in the cieling drywall and I could just feel the heat pouring out of the hole, and it's only 70 degrees. What can I do to cool it off?
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You need to get a certified Energy Auditor to look that the home for you. There quite a few things you can do to improve the thermal and pressure boundaries in your home.
Metal roofs are typically cooler than your average asphalt roof. In your case, there are quite a few lacking areas in the thermal and envelope layers. These can be addressed and your home's comfort improved significantly with the right person looking at it.
Eric Novotny An informed customer is the Best Customer!
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Typically installing a metal roof will actually reduce the transference of heat energy into the structure.
Without insulation and proper ventilation in the attic space however, its going to get hot up there!.
I agree with the previous post.
You need to get someone out there to look at your home and provide accurate, informed suggestions to improve the situation.
An informed customer is the Best Customer!