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In a northern (snowy) environment, what do you think is the minimum slope for a metal roof. I have a 2/12 situation and am try to decide if I can use metal or if I need to go to a membrane roof.
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Many of the residential metal roofs require at least 3:12. Some of the vertical seam, both standing seam and through-fastened products, can be used down to a 2:12 pitch.
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Mr. Miller: A colleague recently asked me to look at a roofing problem he was experienceing. The roof consists of a field manufactures standing seam metal roof installed on an addition.
I noticed several things that concerned me.
1) the slope is likely less than 2-12.
2) no sealant or casket was uses in the seams.
3) The ends were not water-tight The contractor bent a piece from the panel over the end.
I was able to remove a piece of the soffit from the overhang and see evidence of water approximately 6-8 feet from the roof edge. According to my colleague this was the location of a substantial ice dam.
My hypothesis was that the ice dam revented the water from running of the roof edge. Water likely infiltrated throught the uncapped end and possibly throught he vertical seams. I met with the contractor that installed the roof and asked about casket or sealant in the seams. He said that he has never included the casket and also never had a problem.
At this point my only recommendation (short of removal and reinstallation, to my colleague is to seal the laps and ends(Asthetics is not a concern in this location). Do you have any other suggestions?
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.