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I'm replacing my roof and considering Copper "Standing Seam" vs Prefinished MRD panals "Dutch Seam." I'm not sure what the difference is between the two "seam" types. My main concern is, I have many tall trees overhanging my roof and branches will fall on it. Considering that branches are going to hit the seams at some point is one type better able to withstand the impact. Naturally I'm concerned about a leak developing.
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Dutch Seam is a trade name used by ATAS International, a member manufacturer.
I am not sure what "MRD" means. Regarding the copper, I am unsure whether these will be handp-formed panels or manufactured by someone.
Generally, though, I would not expect much different from panel to panel in regards to seam strength / dent resistance.
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If a branch did fall on one of the seams of the ATAS International type panal can they be repaired? And if so how? I believe that with copper the panals can be re-soldered, is this true, and does it mean the copper is eaiser to repair?
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I am really sorry but I feel like we're comparing apples and oranges here. I really do not have any idea what sort of copper roof you're considering. Most copper standing seams would not have soldered seams and would not be any different from the ATAS product in terms of impact resistance.
If, however, you're comparing a flat seam soldered copper roof to a raised seam standing seam, sure, the flat seam soldered product will be less likely to sustain damage.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.