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Two Fold problem on our 2 years young "METRO" granular metal roof has slabs which are discoloring:
1. Lime buildup/Discoloration: With all the rain we get down here, my roofer determined the cause- as lime/algae buildup from runoff rain that takes too long to dry.
The color of our roof is a brick red and the discolor sections look - light greyish.
We are VERY VERY displeased with this situation and A) want to know is there anything we can do to permanently resolve this situation? ie. request a new roof? since this was not our expectation and were never told of this potential situation.
B) suggest if there is a product which we can coat the roof, to prevent this from happening in the future C) suggest a cleaning process to remove (I can send you pictures if you need)
2) BIRD DROPPINGS: With all the rain, it still does NOT remove all of the white droppings from our Metal Roof (our roof is brick red).. A) are there any products that can be applied on the granular roof to prevent future 'settling' into the granulars?
B) Any special tips to discourage the birds from even perching up on the metal Roof?? We have mostly palm trees in our yard.
Thank you for your consideration.
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On a product specific application like this, I would reccomend you contact Metro directly:
They will be able to answer your questions better. I have used their products, and they were very helpful in answering questions.
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I have a similar problem. However, I don't have the manufacturers information readily available. Is there a generic cleaning method to removing the dull look that has taken over my metal roof?
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It sounds like you have a painted roof, not a stone-coated one. It is hard to say if what you have is normal dirt accumulation or paint aging.
Cleaning with a solution that is one part liquid detergent, one part trisodium phosphat, and one part water may be helpful.
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Clean the roof back to it's original color and apply a product called MicroGuard on the metal roof. It will permanently seal to the metal and won't stain, fade, corrode, etc. and most likely rain will keep it clean and get rid of bird droppings. Good luck
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.
Isaiah Industries, Inc.